My God, these folks don't know how to love -- that's why they love so easily."
~ D. H. Lawrence ~
All & All, A "Fine Ride"!
"He who hears not the music, thinks the dancer mad"
August 1999
Yep, made it finally to South Dakota. It was touch and go there for a while, luck would have it everything fell into place. The drive out was pure fun; however, the drive back bittersweet; but, isn't that the way of "vacation", and life if one thinks on it.
My first impressions on the trip were how huge the sky seemed the further from my beloved Blue Ridge mountains I became. The land was of different color and scent. The grass seemed more green to me & I'd never seen so many acres of corn or soy beans in my life!!!! The farmers are to be praised, can you imagine just how many snakes were under those plants??????? I'd never made it as a farmer....too afraid of the "beasties of the field"...
I noticed how the trees changed in density. One tree in particular, I just know someone was hanged there!
The air was easier
to breathe, or maybe it was just traveling far away from home and the breathing
was more of "freedom", than air; most pleasant, whatever the reality.
When push comes to shove, isn't it the "feeling" that counts, moreso
the actuality?
We drove through the Badlands; totally awe inspiring. I could just imagine Jessie James and all the outlaws hiding from the Marshals, dodging Indians and shooting rattlesnakes for supper. (If you haven't already guessed, I have a vivid imagination)...I can understand how the early Indian, frontiersmen and women loved the land. It was magnificent. Maybe next time to camp over one night and see the sun rise and set. I'm told the colors at those times are more beautiful than the rainbow!
The first day was
an experience in more ways than one. Only speaking of good things, Sturgis was
all I'd been told and more. I watched people of all ages, sizes and possible
description mingle with each other, smiles on their faces and
"toddies" in their hands (inside of course)..... Had I been able to
sit still, I'd have liked to have just seated myself behind a tripod and
"clicked the day away"! This year, I was too busy
"absorbing" to seriously think I could sit still eight minutes to
shoot, much less an entire eight hours!!! Next time, I've promised myself !!
We spent time roaming the country side during the week, including Wyoming and Montana--beautiful country. We saw, among other things.. Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse; visited Hewitt, Rapid City, Keystone, Deadwood and the beautiful drive of Needles highway----filled with animals and "pigtails"! Of everything seen, Needles & The Badlands were my favorites. One hearts desire of mine was to see the buffalo. I'm told there are thousands in the park; however, I only saw one lone buffalo, a couple rams, a little goat wanting to cross the road, a chipmunk (Alvin)...& a few donkeys; which I did get to pet; regardless of disappointments, the hours spent there were grand.
Pactola Dam and Reservoir on the way to Needles Hwy.
Scenes from Needles Highway
Mt. Rushmore of course.....
A tornado was in Sturgis....I heard bikes went "flying", but didn't see this for myself, thankfully! All I witnessed was the cold and rain. The phone lines were "fuzzy" for a while....tried not to think of home while there..don't understand why people "vacation", and then spend so much time calling home. Cat phoned home every day and was upset every day in regard to them....(some people just don't appreciate the reasons behind "getting away"....Doesn't make sense to me. I phoned twice all week I think it was....had a lovely surprise when I got home due to that too. My first day back, a Police Officer came to my door, informing me I was "missing" and could understand why they were concerned.....I laughed & and told him my friends get weird when I actually go anywhere.. Mentioned in the future about the same time if he gets another "missing persons" on me, to just forget it....I'll be where I was supposedly "missing" this time !!!!!!! Wonder how friends will react if & when I disappear to St. Thomas in the dead of winter????? Like that's going to happen......LOL